Gracie Barra Lisboa é campeã

A Gracie Barra Lisboa conseguiu um resultado histórico e se sagrou desta vez campeã ibérica de Jiu-Jitsu 2010. O time venceu um campeonato disputadíssimo que…

Gracie Barra Lisbon wins

Gracie Barra Lisbon came up with another historic result, this time winning the Iberian Jiu-Jitsu Championship 2010. The team won a close dispute between teams…

Gracie Daytona Grand Opening

Our GMA John-Michael Quesinberry has a special invitation for all BJJ lovers. This next Sunday, June 27th, at 12pm, he will be hosting the Grand…

GB Miami launches new site

Our GMA member Daniel "Montanha" Lima is doing a great job in Florida. Classes are full and the school is thriving. To celebrate the good…
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