Rafael Barata Freitas will be in the 2013 BJJ Pro League on Dec. 8
An athlete known for his shoulder lock submission and enthusiastic personality, Rafael Barata Freitas is a top black belt athlete. Whether he’s dancing, singing or rapping his presence is always made known.
Having found martial arts at an early age the progression of disciplines brought him to Jiu-Jitsu. aAs a young teen he developed the lifestyle he has lived until now.
As a purple belt his famed “Baratoplata” submission was founded. First a bicep slicer but since the move was illegal in competition for a purple belt, he went back to the mats and learned how to adapt the submission into a shoulder lock instead. He still uses the move today at the highest levels of black belt and even in his professional MMA fights.
In 2011 Barata won the Pan American Championship and later went on to take home silver in 2012 as well as the bronze medal at the World Championship that same year.
His matches are always exciting as his capoeira past often shows through in his dynamic style. Barata is set to compete in the lightest four-man category of the BJJ Pro League on Dec. 8 at the Long Beach Walter Pyramid.
Check out one of Barata’s matches at the 2012 Pan Ams:
Learn more about the 2013 BJJ Pro League on Dec. 8 at the Long Beach Walter Pyramid at www.bjjproleague.com