What does every white belt need to know?

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GRACIEMAG has a new section in the magazine that’s causing some chatter. Every month, teachers from the Jiu-Jitsu planet lust ten indispensable tips for white belts to evolve in training, taming opponents like lack of motivation, stagnation, and injury.

Tips like these ones, fished out of and old GRACIEMAG 134. It was 2008, and Ricardo “Cachorrão” Almeida in the Training for Warriors sections listed four of the most common errors when performing the armbar.

1) Beginners often put too much emphasis on pulling the arm and end up alerting their opponent that the attack is coming. Rather than that, concentrate on using your hips, raising your body, and trapping the arm. Only then do you use your arms to complete the hold.

2) A lot of beginners forget to put their leg over their opponent’s face to trap the arm, which allows them to roll with the motion or escape the hold. Make sure the head is trapped.

3) When the arm is trapped, the athletes often forget to clench their thighs together to keep the arm trapped and adjust the submission hold.

4) A lot of students forget to control the wrist. Make sure the hold on the wrist is strong and the opponent’s thumb is pointed upwards.

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