Dallas Open sign-ups extended till Monday

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Anyone who was out of the loop or whose work week was too hectic to make it on time still has a chance to make Jiu-Jitsu history in the state of Texas: the IBJJF has decided to extend the sign-up deadline for the inaugural Dallas International Open Championship from April 30 to 11:59 pm Dallas time on Monday, May 2.

Bruno (on bottom) against Rodolfo Vieira / Photo: John Lamonica

Nova União’s Bruno Bastos has already stated that his team’s objective is nothing short of placing first at the tournament set to take the Kitty Magee Arena by storm this coming May 8 in Dallas, Texas, and a major contingent from the outfit appearing on the competitor list proves he means business.

And the other big teams from around the United States look intent on throwing a wrench in Bastos’s plans, with teams Gracie Barra, Gracie Humaitá, Lovato BJJ, Lloyd Irvin, Team Lutter, Ribeiro JJ, Mohler BJJ, Marra Senki, Brasa, and Alliance all figuring in numbers on the roster, as well.

Don’t miss the chance to put your skills to the test at the first-ever IBJJF tournament to grace the Dallas area, sign up here.

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