Seeking some pre-academy inspiration and post-training relaxation? Find it in music, an art that lets you have your favorite stars by your side the whole time and makes your daily life a little lighter.
To help you out, put together a medley of music for this Tuesday, with three major hits – performed, written or inspired by Jiu-Jitsu aces. Which of these hits is your favorite?
Number 3) “Guerreiro”, by Abdulah – a classic. “Ele é guerreiro…” (“He’s a warrior…”)
Number 2) “Pescador de ilusões”, by Rappa, with Ronaldo Jacaré and Gabriel Napão – two buddies, a mat, and a guitar, and the lyrics “Se meus joelhos não doessem mais…” (“”If my knees would stop aching…”)
Number 1) “Beauty Queen”, written and performed by Pablo Popovitch – has he got talent?