Photo: Carlos Ozorio
When André Pederneiras announced the death of Luiz Alves, during Shooto Brazil this Friday, the number of people crushed by the news wasn’t few. The medical outlook of the grandmaster, one of the precursors of muay thai in Brazil, had been improving. Alves’s student, the fighter Johnny Eduardo was inconsolable. Luiz’s funeral will take place in Ceara, where family members will bury the coach. On Sunday, at 3pm, there will be a ceremony in Luiz’s honor at the Carmo memorial in Caju, Rio de Janeiro. Some of those at Shooto who knew the grandmaster personally, commented on the great loss.
Will Ribeiro
“I was rooting for him to leave the hospital. I really wanted to visit him and provide him incentive. I was so sad to know that he died and I hope he is resting in peace. ”
Paula Sack
“I have to say that my feelings are the same as everyone’s. I’m very sad. I was talking about him with Johnny Eduardo 30 minutes ago and we spoke of his recovery, as we were happy he was improving. It took everyone by surprise, because the news we received was that he was recovering. It’s hard to explain the feeling of loss the fight world is suffering with this news, the impact of this. Master Luiz Alves represented many things but, on the other hand, he left a lot behind. His technique is beyond question and he will live on in every athlete he has worked with. He also leaves much of his happiness. Anyone who has been around Luiz knows it. He always had funny remark, a joke that raised everybody’s spirits and that’s what remains. That’s how we will remember him. ”
Thales Leites
“I can only lament, because it’s a tremendous loss to the world. Luiz Alves was a very beloved person and I’ve never heard anyone speak ill of him or say he was this or that. He was one of the first muay thai teachers in Brazil, a legend. I must take my hat off to him. He was the teacher of my muay thai coach, Marcelo Aguiar . I just heard the news and I was really shocked, because I thought he going to recover. In the end, it is God’s will and we have to accept it. ”
Marlon Sandro
“I just found out, I was terribly saddened and cried a lot. I was going to pay homage him at my last fight, but didn’t have time to make the ribbon for him I wanted to. But I will honor him at my next fight, because he deserves it. He helped so many people in the world of MMA and I am one of them. Today my standup is much better and he was always there, giving me lots of pointers on how I could improve. I’m saddened, so sad, with a heavy heart here. ”
Ronys Torres
The guy was very beloved. I never had the opportunity to be trained by him, but he had a huge heart. We talked and he gave me guidance that I use every day. Unfortunately this happened and I can only ask that he be with God and that the people closest to him have the strength to overcome it.