Alan do Nascimento was the protagonist of one of the most dramatic moments of the 2014 Worlds.
At the end of his middleweight semifinal match with Otavio Sousa, the Checkmat athlete couldn’t get up and told the event medics that he could not feel his left leg.
Taken to a local hospital, Finfou spent the last days being examined so doctors could find out what was wrong.
He talked to GRACIEMAG.com this Thursday and made sure to tell he is doing much better: “I’m back to felling my legs again. I’m using a walker to move around with the help of the doctors. I’ll be back soon,” said Finfou.
Exams showed no important injury both to Finfou’s spinal cord or head.
Leo Vieira, the leader of Checkmat, also talked about Finfou’s case:”He should be released from the hospital this Thursday. After three days with his legs paralysed, he is back to having movement and his strength is coming back little by little.”
Regarding a diagnosis, Leozinho says it’s still unclear what exactly happened: “The doctors did not come to a specific diagnose. This thursday we will meet with them to hear what their conclusion is”.
Keep following GRACIEMAG.com for further news.