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This author has written 27461 articles

Cyborg pode lutar em junho

Cris Cyborg é a lutadora a ser batida no MMA atual. Numa série de nove triunfos seguidos, a brasileira já tem previsão de voltar ao…

A degree to Fabiana

Black belt Aparecido Bill promoted his assistant instructor Fabiana Ferreira to the first degree black belt. The new graduation is very well deserved, once Fabiana…

Facets of the Spider correspondent Mohamad Jehad last night witnessed an unusual training session with Anderson Silva and team. The workout took place on a soccer pitch. In…

As facetas do Aranha

Correspondente do, Mohamad Jehad testemunhou na noite passada um treino inusitado de Anderson Silva e equipe. O treino aconteceu num campo de futebol real.…
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