Check out the best images from Brasil Fight in BH

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Brasil Fight MMA drew a crowd of around 4 thousand to Chevrolet Hall in Belo Horizonte, in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, this Saturday, March 13. The Estado de Minas newspaper covered the event.

In the main event of the eight-fight card, Cristiano Titi submitted the USA’s Ricco Washington, and our Victor Gruzman was on the scene taking the best pictures of the show.

In the Minas vs Rio victory went to the Cariocas, by 3 to 2, with points scored by Hacran Dias and Fabiano “Bob Esponja” (split judges’ decision) and Arthur Gogó.

In the first fight, local fighter Mauricio Facção submitted William Viana via armbar. After Hacran and Bob Eponja’s wins, 2003’s Jiu-Jitsu world champion Erick Vanderley submitted Johnny Ciborg and notched another point for Minas Gerais. Next, Arthur César Gogó, of Rio, kept up his recent roll by beating Cássio Drummond.

The bouts pitting Carioca Fernando Paulon against Minas’ Édson Sururu, and Leonardo Chocolate against Eder Jones, ended in draws. “The decision after the fight between Fernando and Sururu drew the only boos of the evening, as the crowd felt the representative from Minas had performed better,” reported Ivan Drummond, of “O Estado de Minas” newspaper.

Brasil Fight MMA
Chevrolet Hall, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Rio de Janeiro vs Minas Gerais Challenge

Mauricio Facção (Gracie Fusion Bh) submitted William Viana (TFT)
Hacran Dias (Novo Uniao) defeated Cesar Gordinho (Caveirinha/ Gracie Barra)
Fabiano Bob Sponja (TFT) defeated Gustavo Coelho (Gracie Fusion Bh)
Fernando Paulon (BTT) drew with Edson Sururu (Gracie Fusion Bh/ Victor Gym)
Leonardo Chocolate (RFT) drew with Julio Cesar
Arthur Gogó (Gracie Fusion/ Evolve) defeated Cassio Drumond (Arena BH)
Eder Jones (Minotauro) defeated Danilo Moto-Serra (Gracie Fusion / Evolve) via injury

Other fights

Cristiano Titi submitted Rico Washington
Erick Wanderley submitted Johny Cyborg

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