Paulão faces Tatsuhiko Nishizaka. Photo: Carlos Ozório
Bitetti Combat 5, in Barueri, São Paulo, looks promising. This Saturday’s event in Brazil has all the makings of a big show, with infrastructure and prime talent to spare.
Paulão Filho reached São Paulo early morning, shed his extra kilos at the gym and made weight, setting him up to face Japan’s Tatsuhiko Nishizika. The other Brazilian stars, Murilo Ninja and Gustavo Ximu, hit target weight without much ado. The last fighter to arrive in Barueri was Ricco Washington, Ximu’s opponent, who was duly dubbed Sodoudjou, for his semblance to the Camaroonian fighter.

Ximu faces Sokodjou look-alike. Photo: Carlos Ozorio
Amidst the smooth sailing in most of the card’s participants showing up to make weight, there were some setbacks. Glover Teixeira’s opponent, Jeff Monson, was unable to leave the United States due to a pending legal case. The organization was caught off guard, having already sent off the ticket to the fighter, who confirmed he would be at the event. Thus, Glover Teixeira was left opponentless. But the matchup has been rescheduled for the nest installment of Bitetti Combat, in Brasilia.

Ninja ready for Jason Jones. Photo: Carlos Ozorio
Another change to the card regards Fábio Maldonado’s scheduled bout. According to his coach, Cunha, student Travis Wiuff broke his rib and will be unable to fight. Now Maldonado is set to face Fernando Tressino, another striking specialist, promising a lively fight.
Check out the complete card:
Paulo Filho vs Tatsuhiko Nishizaka
Murilo “Ninja” vs Jason Jones (Holanda)
Fábio Maldonado vs Fernando Tressino
Gustavo Ximu vs Ricco Washington (EUA)
Cassiano Tytschyo vs Shane Willian (EUA)
Alessandro “Alemão” Steffen vs Francimar “Bodão”
Carina Damm vs Daiana Silva