Brahma VIP box press people Bianca (left) and Michele Voltolini with Cigano and Mino / Publicity photo
There was no lack of celebrities at one of the most hightly sought after spots at Rio de Janeiro’s famed carnival, the Brahma VIP box at the Sapucaí parade grounds. Jennifer Lopez, Neymar, Ronaldo, Rodrigo Santoro, Michel Teló, Luana Piovani, Andrés Sanchez, Zeca Camargo…
Amid so many famous faces, a couple of big fellows with gnarled up ears were drawing attention and posing for photos. UFC heavyweights Junior Cigano and Rogério Minotouro were among those receiving the most fanfare.
“It was great having him at the VIP box. I feel it has to do with the recognition the sport of MMA is receiving and doesn’t just add to the worth of the party at the Sapucaí parade grounds, but the work these fighters have been doing,” remarked Brahma VIP box press representative Bianca Leão, who herself couldn’t resist taking photos with the champions.
“I love Cigano!”, she admitted.
Milton Vieira, another UFC fighter, was also there taking in the festivities, alongside his wife and Zé Mário Sperry, watching his favorite samba school, Unidos de Vila Isabel, parading down the strip. Nor was the seasoned Rickson Gracie left out of the excitement, as he was also there drawing a lot of attention.