Gilbert Durinho prepares for WOCS and demonstrates Rafa Mendes’ favorite guillotine

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Gilbert Durinho against Thiago Alves at No-Gi World Championship 2011 / Photo by

With two professional MMA fights on his record, Jiu-Jitsu world champion Gilbert “Durinho” Burns is preparing to get back to action in the cage.

On July 27, the coach on the opening season of TUF Brazil coach will be taking on Vinicius Bohrer in Rio de Janeiro at WOCS 20. The fighter took a short break in training to demonstrate a unique position to

“This guilhotine works very well and can be used in MMA and No-Gi Jiu-Jitsu. I apply it a lot in training, and one guy who also uses it a lot is Rafa Mendes. He really likes it. It’s an easy position, you just need to lock down the opponent’s arm and neck, and the trick is to sink the hold right on the opponent’s neck. Then you just need to gain momentum and jump”, explains Gilbert Durinho.

“The second detail is in jumping. Be careful not to finish the position with your tail bone above his neck. The right way is to land on the side of the thigh and not the tail bone, to make the position easy”, says the lightweight.

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