Guga, Lucas Leite and co. to compete in California

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Guga in photo by Gustavo Aragão

Some of the athlete on team CheckMat are in California getting ready for their upcoming challenges. Targeted are the World Pro tryouts in San Diego and the Jiu-Jitsu Pan, as Rio Open champion Luis Gustavo “Guga” explains.
“We´re already hard at training, me, Lucas Leite, João Assis, Marcelo “Lapela” Mafra, and Rodrigo Ranieri. We’re all here training. We’re going to do the tryouts in San Diego to try for a place at the World Pro, and we should be better still for the Pan.”
For the Pan, the team will likely double up in the middleweight division.
“Lucas and I are going to try to close out the division. We also want to go into the under-83 kg division at the tryouts together,” he says.
“Middleweight is a rough division, certainly one of the toughest. But I have faith in us. We’re “eating mat” and, like I said, we’re going to shut it out,” adds Guga.
Participate at the Pan. Find out more here.
And to sign up for the World Pro tryouts in San Diego, click here.

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