It’s Masters Day in Brazil, so here are 5 moves for you to honor your Jiu-Jitsu professor

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Rafael Formiga cranks out an armbar at the 2011 Chicago Open. IBJJF publicity photo.

In Brazil, the land of Jiu-Jitsu, October 15 is Teachers Day. Thus, if you teach Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, no matter what country you find yourself in, today is your day too.

In honor of the persevering gentle-art masters, dug up five lessons to help us improve our Jiu-Jitsu, honor our teachers, and—who knows?—maybe move up a level in training today.

Sharpen up your Jiu-Jitsu, and don’t forget to take your teacher a present at training today.

1. Rafael Formiga teaches armbar from knee-on-belly

2. André Aguiar teaches “cadeirinha” sweep

3. Cristiano Costa teaches self-defense

4. Christophoros Constantinidis teaches choke from back control

5. Carlos Liberi teaches back-control escape

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