André Galvão at Atos JJ Dublin
GMA member Jorge Santos, leader of Atos JJ Dublin, reports the success of a recent seminar with world champion André Galvão.
He wrote.
“Im proud to report that the Andre Galvao seminar was a huge success. It was his first time in Ireland and the demand for tickets was like nothing I’ve ever seen before. He could have held many seminars in my gym alone but I decided to reward my students and make it exclusive to Atos Dublin members, to thank them for their dedication and loyalty to our academy.
With a smaller refined group he gave very personal instruction over many hours going above and beyond to demonstrate the gentle art. He rolled with everyone who attended to put into practice his lessons.
For me personally it was an honour to host Prof Galvao at my academy. As the Leader of Atos BJJ its very important for us to remain close to someone who is pioneering BJJ onto a new level. For Prof Galvao to recognise my lifes work of spreading the art of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is something that continues to drive me forward and take my academy to a new level. I am very grateful that someone of his standing in the BJJ community endorses my gym and recognises what we are trying to do here.
After the success of this seminar I am proud to announce that I will be hosting many more seminars of Atos best Jiu-Jitsu players. Having world champions regularly visit the gym to share their knowledge with us is of great benefit to our academy and I hope to continue this high level of teaching for my students for many years to come.”
Know more at jorgesantosbjj.com.