José Aldo trains for title defense photos

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José Aldo will fight to defend his featherweight title belt at WEC 51 on the 30th of this month.

Given the high-altitude setting for the bout of Broomfield, Colorado, 1,600 meters (3,399 feet) above sea level, the champion is taking some additional preparatory measures in order to acclimatize. According to Nova União physical conditioning coach André Marola, Aldo took off last Sunday for a city even higher above sea level than Broomfield, so as to be in the best shape possible for the encounter. witnessed one of the fighter’s final training sessions while in Brazil. Along with coach André Pederneiras and training partner Marlon Sanrdo, the current champion of Pancrase and Sengoku, José fine-tuned his tactical game for the fight.

The way Gamburyan carries himself in his fights, the way the opponent attacks and counter-attacks, the precise timing for carrying out moves… All that was discussed in depth and tested in practice.

Sparks are bound to fly in the fight. In the meantime, warm up for the big night with these images of José Aldo in training.

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