Kron Gracie: “I want a new opponent who tries to kill me, like Rodolfo would”

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Kron vs Aoki

Kron vs Aoki

Scraping and rolling full steam ahead in pursuit of his first title at the prestigious ADCC, black belt Kron Gracie, 23, took advantage of the short gaps between work outs to mourn Rodolfo Vieira’s injury. The world heavyweight champion would be his opponent in November, in one of super matches of the World Jiu-Jitsu Expo.

Through social networks, the 2009 European champion praised Rodolfo and said it expects a possible new opponent to a duel without the gi.

“My fight with Rodolfo Vieira was cancelled because he hurt his knee. I agreed to fight him because I admire him. He is a humble person who always goes for the kill. And that makes for a great fight,” Kron posted in Instagram.

“Now I’m concerned with ADCC. After that we’ll see if I fight and who it may be. But I only want to fight someone who tries to kill me. Because that’s what a fight is all about,” wrote Kron.

And you, dear GRACIEMAG reader, who do you want to see Kron Gracie against in a No-Gi Jiu-Jitsu match?

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