Learn 2 or 3 details for improving your half-guard

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Tentativas de raspagens de meia-guarda são situações frequentes no Jiu-Jitsu, em treinos ou competições. Foto: Ivan Trindade/Pan 2011.

Half-guard sweep attempts are regular situations in Jiu-Jitsu, whether in training or in competition. Photo: Ivan Trindade/Pan 2011.

Brown belt Pete Roberts (Ethos Jiu-Jitsu) knows his stuff.

Evidence of this is how the co-proprieter of the brand Origin BJJ reads GRACIEMAG and has faith in the magazine’s success. Further proof is in this half-guard lesson, where Pete goes over some important details for you not to get steamrolled when on bottom.


One of the pointers, which counts in this case and always: never let the guy clinch your head.

Watch Pete training with André “Dedeco” Almeida (Best Way) and see for yourself.

Dig the position? Did you put it to practice? Let us know in the comments section below.

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