Champion Hillary on her way to 2009 No-Gi Worlds title, in photo by John Lamonica
Hillary Williams had been planning to kick back and enjoy her vacation in Rio, cramming it with Jiu-Jitsu training, as always. Until she got a call from her university in Arkansas. There was a problem with the future doctor’s thesis, meaning she had to redo ten pages and present it again. The black belt world champion of 2010 trembled like a white belt, hastily packing her bags and catching the red eye back to the USA, to avoid any complications.
But all went smoothly and she’s already back to take up the “studies” that most interest us. And the best part: the American, along with her black belt partner Denilson Pimenta, will conduct a seminar at a special rate next July 2, a Saturday.
The chosen venue is GFTeam academy in Duque de Caxias, another bull’s eye from the duo, who through this effort will help spread the gentle art in the greater metropolitan area of Rio de Janeiro. “The class is open to all, all they need to do is call first to make sure there’s still room and bring one kilo of non-perishable food,” says Hillary.
That’s right, the seminar will only cost one kilo of food, and a wealth of Gi and No-Gi Jiu-Jitsu techniques will be on offer.
So don’t miss it: Academia Armagedom, at Rua Artur Marques 10, near Adega on Rua 5 de Maio. Telephones: (21) 7897-2252/3774-4382.