Share it Black belt Tammi Musumeci is the second member of the team of American grapplers on the cover of GRACIEMAG #219 to teach a position for you. Learn how to take the back using the berimbolo. Ler matéria completa Read more TAGS: Edwin NajmiGarry TononGianni GrippoGM 219made in the USAmichael lieraTammi MusumeciTim Spriggs
American talent: Tim Spriggs teaches an overhook punch choke from closed guard Another American talent on the cover of GM #219…
Edwin Najmi teaches how to avoid pressure at the half guard & finish on the foot lock Now a black belt, Edwin Najmi teaches a foot lock…
Video: 10 flying triangles that have effectively worked in Jiu-Jitsu tournaments Gracie Barra fighter, Edwin Najmi has surprised the whole world…