Marcos Souza Wins under-80 kg Belt in China

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Marcos Souza put his Jiu-Jitsu on display in the Chinese GP. Publicity photo.

A Jiu-Jitsu black belt Brazil-Japan transplant, Marcos Souza, the brother of Roberto Satoshi, fought in the MMA Real Fight GP in the city Zhengzhou, China, this Saturday.

Marcos fought in the eight-under-80 kg-fighter card and won three fights on the same night in capturing the GP belt. It was the Bonsai Jiu-Jitsu rep’s professional MMA debut.

On the same evening, his student Kleber Koike, a 22-year-old purple belt, tapped out Albert Cheng via triangle. Kleber (11w, 3l) has had numerous MMA fights in Japan.

Kleber Koike sinks a triangle on Albert Cheng. Publicity photo.

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