07/05/2023 |
Written by: Graciemag Newsroom
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Raphael Cadena teaches you mobility exercises to sharpen your spider guard. Photo: Reproduction
Professor Raphael Cadena, our GMI in Florida, answered GRACIEMAG’s request and prepared a series of mobility exercises for you to sharpen your spider guard. Representative of the RMNU HQ school and trained by Professor Leandro Azara, from A2 Jiu-Jitsu, in Teresópolis, Raphael is an experienced competitor and has prepared for you the best tips for you to leave your guard impassable to opponents.
Check out the exercises bellow.
Extend your left leg, bend your right leg, base with your right knee and rest your right elbow on the mat. From this position, balance for at least 30 seconds and return to the starting position.
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