One of the fascinating things about Jiu-Jitsu is that it’s an individual sport with a team sport quality to it. Thus, while thousands of practitioners today are training on their own thinking of the Pan (as well as others who don’t yet know they are going to compete), the teams are also out there outlining their plans to win the tournament to be held from the 8 to the 11th of April. (Want in? Register here.)

Jacare and Cobrinha feelthe team is ready. Photos: Atlanta Alliance / Publicity.
In the past five years, the adult division has been dominated by Gracie Barra, which won in 2006, 2007 and 2009. But the champion from 2008, Alliance, bets it will reconquer the trophy.
“The Alliance army is all set to invade California,” said Master Romero “Jacare” Cavalcanti in an e-mail sent by staff from the headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia. Jacare has helped lay out the team’s tactics from within the mat, where he has been training with the team.
“Our troops are ready for battle in Irvine,” continued the master. “Training in both Sao Paulo and Atlanta is in the final stage, and in full swing. We have the utmost confidence in all our students. At the last World Cup, just the crew from the academy here in Atlanta alone scored nearly 40 points, of the total 132 points Alliance scored.”
“I believe that few academies have reached that marker (40 points), so we expect the best. Training sessions are going off here and I’m getting the wrong end of it,” he jokes.
“This weekend Lucas Lepri, Rafael Rosendo and students from all our team’s associates come in for our training camp. We’re all after the same goal, which is to help the team win the Pan, and then get the Grand Slam by winning the Worlds,” said the commander in chief.
“From Brazil, Malfacine Bruno, Michael and Michel Langhi, Sergio Moraes and other big stars from the team will arrive. From Atlanta, we’re taking Cobrinha, Ian, Alec, Darren, Jamanta, Jeff and others who already have experience and good results from major IBJJF competitions. After winning the Worlds and European (two years running) we know we’re the team to beat, but with all due respect to other teams, we always come to win. We carry a tradition of nearly 30, and this time it will be no different. With the reshaping and renewal of the team we are stronger and more united than ever,” says Jacare in finishing.