André Pederneiras tells the news. Photo: Carlos Ozório
There’s news coming out of Shooto Brazil, the South American wing of the Shooto organization under the command of André Pederneiras. After two world titles and one South American title were decided at the last installment, the promotion is set to strap further champions. The event is planning three more installments by year’s end and will decide the welterweight champion (Hernani Perpetuo vs Junior Killer), as well as one of an all new weight class, the under 52kg class, which should take place in a GP format at Shooto 19. Furthermore, Shooto 18 marks the promotion’s debut in Brazil’s capital city of Brasilia, on September 17.
But the news doesn’t end there. According to Shooto South America president André Pederneiras, the organization wants to provide its world champions with benefits.
“There’s a possibility that through sponsorship from Upper fitness club the champions will have the right to a health insurance plan. Currently we have Luiz Beição as a world champion and he’ll be able to enjoy this benefit. It’s a way for us to provide for our champions. I’ll always look out for the athletes’ best interest,” said the organization’s head honcho.