Stephen Hall celebrates gold at the 2014 Pan
GMA member Stephen Hall is turning 43 this Wednesday, March 19.
The leader of Pesadelo BJJ, in Dallas, Texas, has not had an easy life.
For sometime now he has been battling a brain tumor, meanwhile, his academy and the adjoining shooting range he owned burned down last year.
The cancer seems to be under control and he has reconstructed his school with the help of many friends.
On top of all that, last weekend, Hall competed and won the Master 3 black belt ultraheavy division with a nice triangle on Alessandro Almeida.
Today, he posted the following message on his Facebook page: “God gave me this life! 43 years of it today! He kept me through pain, suffering, obstacles, and even held me up over death until now! He gave me a mother who sacrificed herself to see me achieve and progress! He gave me family and friends who love and cherish me! Though I have been so unworthy and unfaithful to Him, He has always been faithful to me without fail! Thank you God for another breath to take. May You make me an example and a blessing to others. May You reward my mother for putting up with and sacrificing herself for me with exceeding bounty because she deserves it. May you bless my friends and family with their every need and desire. That would be my birthday wish as my birthday is already the best ever!”
On a interview published on GRACIEMAG #202, Hall spoke of how Jiu-Jitsu helps him endure life’s hardships: “It kept me sane. Gave me something to point towards and hold on to. The love of Jiu-Jitsu buoyed my spirit when it was low. Also, due to me taking care of my body in order to perform better in Jiu-Jitsu, it made it a lot easier to bear the brunt of the physical trauma from treatment and the disease itself.”