Quer mais qualidade de vida? Exercite-se!

Muita gente persegue qualidade de vida em revistas semanais, no bar com os amigos e mesmo dentro da geladeira. Mas nenhuma busca será completa sem a prática rotineira (leia-se diária) de exercícios físicos.

Want quality of life? Exercise!

A lot of folks pursue quality of life in weekly magazines, at the bar with friends and even in the refrigerator. But no pursuit is complete with the routine (read daily) practice of physical exercise.

Bitetti Combat 7 coming up

The promoters of Bitetti Combat just confirmed the next installment of the event is set for the Fundição Progresso concert hal in Rio de Janeiro.…

WOCS 7 new date

The WOCS 7 will feature an under-60kg flyweight GP with the promise of major battles. However, the event changed date and will now take place on…
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