At the 2000 Worlds Robson Moura and Marcos Parrumpinha have a thrilling showdown in the light featherweight final. Ten years ago, straight from the gentle…
Robson Moura visited the Nova União academy in the state of Arkansas and returned with this move for readers to put under the microscope, a sweep with a triangle-finish option
GMA member Robson Moura, of RMBJJ, teaught a very special class recently. Robinho showed some of the legendary efficiency of BJJ for law enforcement and…
Robson Moura é o personagem do Plano de Aula na edição deste mês, nas melhores bancas do Brasil.
Mas aqui no a gente também mostra alguns segredos do hexacampeão mundial.
This April 24, 2010, seven-time world champion Robson Moura and his first American black belt, world champion Josef Manuel will be teaching a Gi/No Gi…