readers have been asking for more positions used by great Jiu-Jitsu champions. We’ve selected five useful maneuvers useful for you to study over the…
Os leitores do andam pedindo posições usadas por campeões consagrados no Jiu-Jitsu. Selecionamos cinco manobras úteis para você estudar no fim de semana. 1.…
Jiu-Jitsu requires dedication; that's why it's so good for the mind and soul. Jiu-Jitsu requires effort, and that's why it's so good for your physical…
Passeie pelas melhores cenas do Boston Open, torneio da IBJJF realizado no último sábado, nas fotos de Gil Gomes. Confira, aqui e agora. [flickr set=72157627430481337]
This Saturday's Boston Open was set to begin just as Hurricane Irene arrived, but even that couldn't keep the fearless Jiu-Jitsu players from leaving the…
Watch this classic match between two American Jiu-Jitsu standouts at the 2007 US Open when they were still purple belts.