Lightweight champ Leandro Lo (in white) against Lucas Lepri in the 2012 Worlds final / Photo by John Lamonica/GRACIEMAG
GRACIEMAG.com inquired to thousands of fans on Facebook about who currently has the best guard in sport Jiu-Jitsu.
After hundreds of votes poured in, three São Paulo State natives, all world champions, came out on top: Leandro Lo, Michael Langhi and Rafael Mendes each had more than ten votes apiece and hardly any difference between them.
As we promised our readership, we’re chasing down the “elected” to produce future TRAINING PROGRAMS, the technical, step-by-step-instructions section so beloved by our readers.
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Other names that came up were Roberto Cyborg, Rubens Cobrinha, Marcus Vinicius Bochecha, Kayron Gracie and João Miyao. You can check a bunch of these beasts out in action at the Worlds No-Gi next Saturday in California.
What do you think, agree with the poll results? Who’s got the greatest guard in sport Jiu-Jitsu to you, gentle reader?