Tribute to the beasts who hung up their gis at 2012 Worlds

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Marcio Pé de Pano se arriscou no absoluto do Mundial 2012, sábado, e mostrou o bom triângulo. Foto: GRACIEMAG

Marcio Pé de Pano stuck his neck out at the 2012 Worlds on Saturday and showed off his triangle skills. Photo: GRACIEMAG.

Dreaded adversaries of days past, today the acclaimed Marcio “Pé de Pano” and Rodrigo “Comprido” Medeiros put in fine display’s at the 2012 World Championship, and unless the urge to sport a gi and go at it again doesn’t nag too much, they received their honorable and glorious discharge from service today in Long Beach. “It was a farewell,” affirmed Pé de Pano to, as Comprido left his black belt laying on the mat, drawing a salvo of applause.

Both signed up in the ultraheavyweight division, Comprido dropped a quarterfinals match to Alexander Trans, while Pé de Pano made it as far as the semifinals, where he put in a stellar display against the absolute finalist Marcus Bochecha. With Bochecha on his back, Pé defended, swept, and when the dust settled, lost by 4 to 2, earning a thankful embrace from the young Bochecha. would like to remember some of the memorable moments these two absolute superchampions (Comprido in 99/00, Pé in 2002/03) partook in in the past. And requests a standing round of applause.

Rodrigo Comprido at 2000 Jiu-Jitsu World Championship

Marcio Pé de Pano on Brazil’s Sportv channel in 2000 (even showing some capoeira skills at the end)

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