Share it UFC #10 middleweight Thales Leites took a short break in his MMA career to put the gi back on. Recently, he signed up to compete at the IBJJF Rio BJJ Pro, in Brazil. Thales registered to compete at the master 1 division. Watch one of his matches and see how he finished his opponent. Ler matéria completa Read more TAGS: BJJGRACIEMAGjiujitsuMMAThales LeitesUFCvideo
Pé de Pano volta com tudo no MMA e finaliza no triângulo Na madrugada de sexta pra sábado, em Las Vegas, nos…
USA vs Brazil: Roy Nelson has “gut attack” over Cigano If you, like Nelson, sport an ample gut, learn the famous maneuver in the video below, and try it for yourself. And if you sport washboard abs, check it out anyways, for curiosity's sake.