With his slick Jiu-Jitsu skills, JT put a damper on Lo's guard in Porto Alegre. Photo: Ivan Trindade.
Copa Pódio, which in December wrapped up last Jiu-Jitsu season in the Southern Brazilian city of Porto Alegre, bore a number of lessons for us practitioners.
One of the most instructive—and hotly disputed—matches saw US national “JT” Torres and eventual lightweight GP winner Leandro Lo lock horns in gi-clad combat. The Cicero Costha student beat everybody he faced, with the exception of JT. “He caught me off guard; I wasn’t prepared for his game,” said Lo.
Copa Pódio will be back again in June or July, this time in Rio de Janeiro with a middleweight GP, and again Lo and representatives from Gracie Barra, Atos, Soul Fighters and Lloyd Irvin will be in the mix, with others to be announced shortly.
For further information and to secure your DVD of the contests and behind the scenes action at the maiden Copa Pódio championship, send an email to jiu-jitsu@jiujitsuesportivo.com.br.
Watch the draw between Lo and JT, and please let us know what most impressed you about this “battle” of mat wizards in the comments section below.