Watch JT Win his Way to Abu Dhabi

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JT Torres (photo by Mike Calimbas)

The Montreal, Canada, leg of the Abu Dhabi WPJJC Trials were held last weekend. The big standout on the occasion was “JT” Torres, who won the lightweight division. Below, check out the list of the others winners who will travel to Abu Dhabi with all expenses paid.

But first, watch the match that put JT through to the Emirates.

Absolute white belt
1. Brody Rawding (Brazilian Top Team)

Absolute blue belt lightweight
1. Hassan Salifu (Toronto BJJ)

Absolute blue belt heavyweight
1. Patrick Walsh (Wai Kru)

Absolute purple belt lightweight
1. Mansher Khera (Marcelo Garcia Academy)

Absolute purple belt heavyweight
1. Jonathan Satava (Marcelo Garcia Academy)

Absolute white/blue female
1. Yacinta Nguyen-Huu (Scott Schilling BJJ)

Absolute purple/brown/black lightweight female
1. Tammi Musumeci (Alliance)

Absoluto Roxa/Marrom/Preta Pesado – Feminino
1. Dominyka Obelenyte (Marcelo Garcia Academy)

Brown/black – Featherweight
1. Darson Hemmings (Open Mat)

Brown/black – Lightweight
1. Jt Torres (Lloyd Irvin)

Brown/black – Middleweight
1. Paulo Azambuja (Avengers)

Brown/black – heavyweight
1. Lee Villeneauve (Brazilian Top Team)

Brown/black – Superheavyweight
1. Dan Simmler (Renzo Gracie)

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