What did Renzo Gracie tell Chael Sonnen on the phone before UFC 148?

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Nos tempos da extinta IFL, Renzo já carregava a bandeira do MMA nos EUA. Foto: Divulgação/Getty Images/Arquivos GRACIEMAG

Back in the days of the extinct IFL, Renzo already waved MMA's banner in the USA. Photo: Publicity/Getty Images/GRACIEMAG archives

During the pre-UFC 148 open training session, Chael Sonnen left reporter Ariel Helwani all the more curious when he said Jiu-Jitsu legend Renzo Gracie had called him on the phone and set him straight, telling him, Chael, something that caused him to reflect and change his ways.

(Refresh your memory here.)

But what is it that Renzo told the challenger? GRACIEMAG.com went after the answer:

“I just told him that if he kept up that trash talking he would be taking away from the greatness of the task that he had ahead of him, he is fighting one of the best fighters of our generation, and people would lose the chance to know the real Sonnen, a great athlete who I saw young fighting hard back in the Japan days, building his career as a fierce fighter, a career that ended up turning him into one of the amazing people that populate our great sport,” Renzo said.

“I just asked him to behave with the greatness of a champion. Many fighters dream of that opportunity, to fight the best and test themselves in the toughest sport that existed. Be great, be bold, be fair, and above all be honest. Some will love you, others will hate you. But they will know who you really are. Fight this fight in a way that will be unforgettable to those who had the privilege to watch. I won’t miss a second of this great match,”, the Gracie said in conclusion.

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