Rodrigo Minotauro works on his triangle at his gym. Photo: Gustavo Aragão/2010.
A little under two weeks away from the August 27 UFC 134 show, the climate in Rio is just like in all the other cities where Dana White sets up shop. Emails swapped selling tickets at exorbitant prices, friends calling around to find out who has any to spare, expectations, and debate going full blast on forums like the one on GRACIEMAG.com.
And one of the questions on Cariocas’ minds, notably those belonging to the group left without tickets, is: where do you go to watch UFC Rio and still get the feel of the event, even if nowhere near the HSBC Arena?
In Barra da Tijuca, the very neighborhood of the venue, one of the most talked-about options will likely get packed on the Saturday of the big show. Sportv Point (Av. Érico Veríssimo 821, lojas A, B and C) has a special evening planned for the event.
For those who’d rather forgo Barra’s gridlock, another classic option is on a cross street of the very road where the Gracies first started teaching Jiu-Jitsu, in the Flamengo neighborhood. The place to be there is Le Brants (Travessia dos Tamoios 40), an all-you-can-eat pizza and pasta place with a sports bar theme.
Rio is one big party, and it doesn’t end there. The other hip local for the occasion is Invicto, where UFC viewing can be done in comfort. It is located in Humaitá, on Rua Conde de Irajá 201.
In Ipanema there’s a smaller-scale option, a bar called Blue Agave. It accepts reservations and the address is Rua Vinicius de Moraes 68.
For fight fans in Leblon, Azeitona & Cia has got the goods. Even the owner there is thick-skinned, despite his friendly demeanor. The bar of former athlete Zé Otávio “Azeitona” features two big screens and prices that are friendly on the pocket books of martial arts diehards. If you say you’re a GRACIEMAG reader you don’t pay, but you also don’t get anything.
What about you, dear ticketless friend, where will you be watching UFC Rio?
(Collaborators: Fernanda Prates and Fernando Flores)