Current Houston Open champion Ceconi holds wins over Rodolfo Vieira, Léo Nogueira and Rominho Barral. Photo: Carlos Ozório.
Last year athletes from around Texas in droves to take part in the Houston Open, an IBJJF tournament showcasing top-notch talent. The big winner of the absolute division was heavyweight Alexandro Ceconi, a Brazilian Rilion Gracie student. But there was learning a-plenty for a lot of folks at the event.
“I always recommend my students take part in a competition if they want to take their games up a notch,” IBJJF referee Muzio de Angelis always says. “Of course, the student has to come up with that desire themselves, with no pressure at all. But entering championships is a simple and great way to test your game against people of your belt and weight class.”
The Houston Open 2012 will go down in February, as will another IBJJF tourney open for sign-ups: the always entertaining Pan Kids, in California, for the pint-sized competitors. Drop by the Federation website to find out to sign up.