Roberto Alencar vs. Nivaldo Lima
The World Jiu-Jitsu Expo has made two big announcements.
A new seminar was added to the schedule.
World champion Augusto Tanquinho and Mackenzie Dern will be teaching a gi class on October 19.
The couple will teach a gi seminar.
Other than that, the IBJJF Pro league added Gracie Barra’s black belt Roberto Alencar to its roster.
The World Jiu-Jitsu Expo takes place October 18-19, at the Long Beach Convention Center.
The event has the following attraction already confirmed.
Marcus Buchecha, Leo Veira, the Mendes Bros, Rodrigo Cavaca & Robert Drysdale and Roberto Cyborg will also be teaching seminars.
All seminars at the WJJE will be in the gi.
Three IBJJF events will take place during the Expo: IBJJF Pro League, the American Nationals Kids and the Long Beach Open.
Five superfights are also already confirmed – Gianni Grippo vs. Augusto Tanquinho, Nino Schembri vs. Vitor Shaolin, Robson Moura vs. Marcos Parrumpinha, Tim Spriggs vs. Leo Nogueira, João Assis vs. Rolles Gracie (no-gi).
For more info, go to worldjiujitsuexpo.com
Go to ibjjf.com to register for the tournaments.