A curious bystander in transit accompanies, in different extremes of the planet, the fascination the UFC inspires in people these days.
Dallas airport, one week before the fight:
First time in the USA, Mr. Mohamad?
Second, I came for UFC 100, in 2009.
Belfort or Silva?
Starbucks in Las Vegas, five days before the fight:
Belfort or Silva?
Flight from Los Angeles to Lima, three days before the fight:
You do Jiu-Jitsu, right?
– Yes.
Belfort or Silva?

The repercussions in the world of soccer: Bydedicating his win to Ronaldo Phenomenon, Anderson took charge of Fell Design. “Ronaldo strategically prepares for his return.” Should there be any problems he can call on his new body guard...
Atlantida Beach, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. One day after the fight:
I can’t get my surf on. I was up till 4 am to watch the fight…
What kind of bomb was that?
Police station in Porto Alegre, Brazil, two days after the fight:
I knew it would end in a knockout. The two are really quick.
That fight could never end in points.
Snack bar in São Leopoldo, Brazil, two daysafter fight:
Did you see the fight?
That one I watched. I’m not much into fights, but that one I’d never miss. There’s no one out there who can handle Silva.
The kid at the sandwich grill shouts:
My old lady thinks Belfort deserves a rematch!
Conversation between a Brazilians and an Egyptian, three days after the fight:
How are things in Cairo?
Will Mubarak fall, or won’t he?
If Anderson comes over here, for sure! What a kick, wasn’t it, teacher?