You a BJJ white belt? Get the nitty-gritty on the half-guard

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Pictured, Nivaldo de Oliveira gets the underhook in half-guard against William Martins on his way to gold at the 2012 Brazilian Nationals. Photo:

In Jiu-Jitsu, when your opponent opens your guard guard he tends to end up landing in your half-guard, with a leg trapped between your legs. But what to do now, as he tries to lock your head down and squash the breath out of you?

First, don’t despair. In the instructional video below you’ll find some tips on how not to end up at your opponent’s mercy, and to boot, counter-attack at maximum efficiency and minimum effort, as the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu motto goes.

Take note of how important it is to get the underhook in and not let your opponent get a hold of your head and pin your shoulders to the mat.

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